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A Dishing with Patricia Special Series:

A Focus on Mental Health

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Beginning in May, Dishing with Patricia is hosting a 6-week special series, "A Focus on Mental Health."


Why this topic, you might ask?


Just to start...mental health is personal and very real to me. In fact, I found out that 1 out of 10 people, globally, as we speak, is suffering a mental health crisis, and the number is even worse in the U.S., at 1 in every 5 persons.


What does that mean to you? Well, if you're in a room of 5 or fewer, that means that someone in the room is having a mental crisis. In addition, 1 in every 5 persons in our country is also a caregiver to a person suffering from a mental or physical challenge. 


I say all of that to say, mental disorders aren't always readily seen in the way physical disorders are. I encourage all of us to learn the symptoms of mental health and to pay attention to what you can observe. In the process, you might save the life of someone you love, or maybe, even, your own. It's also appropriate to seek professional help, during this observation period.


Throughout the entire month,"Dishing with Patricia" will add to a series of presentations by mental health experts, including "whole body" health providers, its own series of round-the-clock social media public service announcements. The content will be drawn from a variety of other mental health professionals and advocates, as a means of spotlighting the various aspects of the growing, regional, and global mental health challenge.


You can follow our "Focus on Mental Health" here at, on my Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages; and on my Dishing with Patricia YouTube channel. 


I hope you join me, for our upcoming episodes.





Patricia Marshall Harris

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Mental Health Resources & Information
Call 911: If someone is in immediate danger.
Call 988: Get connected to the National Suicide Prevention/Crisis Lifeline.



Leave comments for the DWP Podcast at:

"Ask Patricia"


T: 215-751-0140


421 N. 7th Street

Suite  603

Philadelphia, PA 19123

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